Members Pages
Region documents and forms
Mutual Aid Notification System
Request a “heads-up” notification be sent out to the region teams of a potential mutual aid search. Read the full instructions.
Password required.
Region Testing
Evaluator Qualifications
List of qualifications, expectations and considerations for evaluators
Reaccreditation Forms
Evaluator test forms for reaccreditation tests.
Online Evaluator Presentation -Search and Tracking
Required presentation for evaluators for the Search and Tracking tests.
Online Evaluator Presentation -Search and Tracking
PDF version
Online Evaluator Presentation - Snow and Ice
Required presentation for evaluators for the Snow and Ice tests.
Online Evaluator Presentation - Snow and Ice
PDF version
Online Evaluator Presentation - Technical Rock
Required presentation for evaluators for the Technical Rock tests.
Online Evaluator Presentation - Technical Rock
PDF version
Evaluator Registration Form Submission
Registration form for evaluators who have completed the required online presentation. Completion code required.
Registered Evaluators (Search & Tracking - 2025)
List of region members who have completed the online presentation.
Online Evaluator Comments Form Submission
Optional forms for reaccreditation test evaluator to provide comments online. Numeric scores must be provide the day of the test.
Accreditation Test Forms
Evaluator test forms for full accreditation tests.
Reaccreditation Status
Reaccreditation expiration dates by team
Reaccreditation History
Location and host team from past region reaccreditations. Send the webmaster info on the missing years.
Region Forms and Documents
California Region Bylaws
California Region Policy and Procedures
Region Meeting Minutes
Minutes of past region meetings.
Region Activity Reports
Region activity reports, vice chair reports, and ASTM reports.
Team Report Form
Team status report to be completed prior to an upcoming region meeting.
Team Reports
Past team reports.
Region Meeting Rotation
Hosts for upcoming region meetings. Subject to change.
Region Meeting Hosting Guidelines
Information for teams that will be hosting a region meeting.
Team Meeting Attendance
Team’s attendance to region meeting since 2010.
Region Educational Library
Psychological First Aid for SAR Personnel
Presented by Art Fortini, Sierra Madre (1:18:10)
Region Team Rosters
Restricted Access
For access use the username and password assigned to your team. Passwords are changed after every region meeting.
Contact officers@crmra.org for access.
Team Roster Status
List of the latest team roster dates.
Region Team Rosters
Issued username and password required.
Non-Region Forms and Documents
MRA National Policy and Procedures
MRA National Bylaws
Out of State DSW Training
Coverage request guidance.
PLB Incident Report
San Bernardino County SAR form to report Personal Locator Beacon activations.
SEND Incident Report
San Bernardino County SAR form to report Satellite Emergency Notification Device Incidents.
Region Google Group
Request to be added to the region Google Group to keep informed on the region activities. Must be a member of a MRA team.